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Immunology and CRISPR: Revolutionizing Disease Treatment and Research

Immunology, the study of the immune system, is a critical field of research as it holds the key to understanding how the body defends itself against diseases. The immune system is a complex network of cells, proteins, and tissues that work together to identify and neutralize harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and even cancer cells. With advancements in technology, particularly in the field of genetics, immunology has entered a new era. One of the most promising tools in this space is CRISPR-Cas9, a groundbreaking genome-editing technology that is revolutionizing immunology research and the development of novel therapies.

T-cells attacking a brain cancer cell

Fig 1. T-cells attacking a brain cancer cell (Credit: STEVE GSCHMEISSNER/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY)

The Basics of Immunology

The immune system is divided into two main branches: the innate and adaptive immune systems. The innate immune system provides the first line of defense and responds quickly to invaders. It includes physical barriers, like the skin, as well as immune cells that attack pathogens. The adaptive immune system, on the other hand, is more specialized and takes longer to respond. It involves T-cells and B-cells, which can remember specific pathogens and mount stronger responses upon subsequent exposures.

T-cells, a type of white blood cell, are central to the adaptive immune response. They identify and destroy infected cells, and they also help coordinate the overall immune response. This makes T-cells a focal point in the fight against diseases, especially cancer. However, in some cases, the immune system can malfunction, leading to autoimmune diseases where the body attacks its own tissues, or it may fail to recognize and destroy cancer cells. Understanding and manipulating the immune system to correct these errors is a major focus of immunology research.


CRISPR-Edited Immune Cells in Cancer Therapy

The implications of CRISPR for immunology are profound. Researchers can now edit the genes of immune cells to enhance their function, making them more effective at fighting diseases. One of the most exciting applications of CRISPR in immunology is the development of edited T-cells for cancer therapy.

Cancer cells often evade the immune system by exploiting natural checkpoints that are meant to prevent the immune system from attacking the body's own tissues. One approach to overcoming this is to edit T-cells so that they can better recognize and destroy cancer cells. This is the basis of CAR-T cell therapy, where T-cells are modified to express a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) that specifically targets cancer cells.

CRISPR has made it possible to improve this process by enabling more precise and efficient editing of T-cells. For example, CRISPR can be used to knock out genes that code for inhibitory proteins on T-cells, enhancing their ability to attack cancer cells. Additionally, CRISPR can be used to insert genes that give T-cells new abilities, such as resistance to the immunosuppressive environment created by tumors. These edited T-cells are then expanded in the lab and infused back into the patient, where they can seek out and destroy cancer cells.

The use of CRISPR in this context is not just limited to cancer. Researchers are exploring the potential of CRISPR-edited T-cells for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and infectious diseases as well. By precisely targeting the genes involved in immune regulation, scientists hope to create more effective and personalized therapies.

The wide array of CRISPR applications in Immuno-oncology

Fig 2. The wide array of CRISPR applications in Immuno-oncology (Credit: CRISPR/Cas: From Tumor Gene Editing to T Cell-Based Immunotherapy of Cancer, Frontiers in Immunology)

CRISPR Screening for Target Identification

Another major application of CRISPR in immunology is in high-throughput screening to identify new therapeutic targets. This is particularly relevant in the development of biologic therapies, such as monoclonal antibodies, which are designed to target specific proteins involved in disease processes.

CRISPR screening involves creating a library of guide RNAs that target different genes across the genome. These guide RNAs are introduced into cells, and the effects of knocking out each gene are observed. This approach allows researchers to systematically identify which genes are critical for the survival of cancer cells, the activation of immune cells, or the function of other cell types involved in disease.

For instance, in cancer research, CRISPR screens can be used to identify genes that make tumor cells resistant to immune attack. Once these genes are identified, they can be targeted with biologic therapies, such as monoclonal antibodies, that block their function. This approach has already led to the discovery of new targets for cancer therapy and holds promise for other diseases as well.

EditCo Solutions for Accelerating  Immunology 

To dissect the roles of specific immune cells and pathways, EditCo has developed critical immortalized and primary cell offerings for immunologists. Specifically, EditCo’s T-cell KO Pools and Immortalized KO/KI Clones enable immunologists to develop a deeper understanding of how the immune system fights infections and diseases. EditCo’s KO Pools can further be used as negative controls in critical flow cytometry experiments, providing clarity and certainty in your assay results.


Intelligent Guide Design

innovative approach to smart guide design

EditCo’s innovative approach to smart guide design allows efficient gene disruption generation, eliminating the trial and error associated with common guide design strategies. All our reagents are designed to streamline your research, ensuring more accurate and reliable results.


Better CRISPR Reagents for Efficient, Consistent Gene Knockouts

CRISPR reagents process from target identification to approval

With intelligent guide design strategy, EditCo is able to simply and effectively knockout genes guaranteed with our Gene Knockout Kits or do high-throughput genomic screening with Arrayed gRNA Libraries, allowing for clear genotype-to-phenotype answers for many genes at scale and quickly.

EditCo’s Arrayed sgRNA Libraries provide a great solution for primary cells, since cells do not require an extended period of expansion in this screening format and arrayed libraries allow a wide variety of functional assays to be performed including both binary and multi-parametric readouts if the objective if to measure multiple morphological features or complex phenotypes. Whole Human genome, 30+ pathway specific or user-defined libraries are available. All our libraries are ready to transfect and use an optimized guide designed to maximize editing efficiency and reliability.


Get Guaranteed Editing Results in Primary Immune Cell Lines

Primary CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell KO Pools are made-to-order knockouts with a guaranteed editing efficiency of >80% in human primary cells generated in 2 weeks or faster. EditCo consistently achieves >90% editing efficiency, creating cell pools that are functionally similar to a clone. As primary cell clones are biologically difficult to produce, EditCo’s high editing efficiency provides a unique approach to generating cell populations of interest.

EC Pools overview-1M cells

Whether you are leveraging CRISPR for validating targets for drug discovery or modeling a biological process for the investigation of a novel gene of interest, failed experiments lead to a loss of time and resources. EditCo’s Primary Cell KO Pools are the solution for obtaining quick and reliable functional data while reducing the risk for false negatives in your critical assays.


Other Immune Primary Cells

EditCo is expanding its Primary Cell portfolio! Please reach out to inquire about additional cell types, including primary fibroblasts, monocytes/macrophages, NK cells, B cells and primary mouse cell types.


Have more questions? Reach out to us! 

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